2. They understand exactly what the issuer is trying to accomplish.
Another characteristic of a strong partner is that they understand their role as a facilitator and don’t lose sight of the end goal or get bogged down in trivialities. You want a partner who smoothly and efficiently moves the process forward without creating needless friction.
“Your document reviewers should have the expertise and awareness to know when – and just as importantly, when not – to make changes to documents,” said Josh Theodore, vice president of business development for U.S. Bank Global Corporate Trust. “You want revisions to be pertinent and necessary, otherwise you’re just adding speed bumps that slow the whole process down.”
3. They exercise discernment and preempt complications.
Much of a service provider’s efficiency centres on how they approach the document review process. Do they come with a fixed mindset and insist on adding comments and clauses and layers of red tape? Or do they have enough experience and flexibility to consider the context and history of the relationship and do everything in their power keep changes minimal and absolutely necessary?
“Adaptability goes a long way toward being a valuable partner,” says Josh. “If an issuer recently brought a deal to market, and now they’re bringing another one, they don’t want to see those documents change. You don’t need to add clauses or be hyper-rigid for the sake of ticking the boxes. You need to evaluate the precedents and the context and make decisions accordingly.”
4. They demonstrate experience and expertise through intuitive, proactive relationship management.
Not all service providers have the same levels of knowledge and specialization when it comes to high-yield transactions. You’re best served when you can find a partner with a specialized team of highly focused professionals who’ve done these deals before, who know what to look for, and who know exactly when and when not to raise concerns.
You want an assertive, proactive relationship management team that keeps things moving, stays focused on the finish line and interacts seamlessly and intuitively with all parties.
5. They’re able to handle all your requirements under one roof.
If you find partners who possess all the qualities mentioned above, you’re doing well. But if you can find a single provider who offers everything you need in a one-stop shop solution, you’ve positioned yourself for an even more streamlined and efficient deal-closing process.
“The best setup is when you’ve got one person connecting all the dots for your high-yield bond issuance,” says Rosie. “Otherwise, dealing with an extra institution just adds another layer of complexity you really don’t want.”